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Kate-Lynn McKenzie

Registered Massage Therapist


Get to know Kate-Lynn

What inspired you to pursue a career in massage therapy/wellness?


I've always been interested in how the body works, health and wellness and personal development. Massage therapy is the perfect field that allows those interests to harmonically intersect while I get to share and aid others in their own healthy journey. 

How do you approach each massage session and what techniques do you use to ensure that your clients feel comfortable and relaxed?


Comfort and Communication is key!

I strive to create and warm, welcoming, inclusive and grounding space for people to explore their healing journey. Whether that's, physically, emotionally or spiritually.

We'll start with a thorough assessment and go over the goals for the session.

Once on the table and throughout the session I'll check in on pressure, comfort and temperature. I will always ask for consent before working in vulnerable areas and communicate what I'm about to do and the reasoning behind.

After the treatment we'll go over homecare that can range from mobility exercises, stretching and strengthening exercises, grounding and calming practices, or even referrals to other practitioners/modalities.

My goal is to empower you with knowledge and tools to extend the benefits of your massage, further your healing journey and work towards a pain free, and greater quality of life!


What is your favorite type of massage or aliment to work on?


Although I'm trained in treating a variety conditions and modalities i've found an interest and passion for helping those with chronic pain and injuries, stress reduction and relaxation integration, chronic headaches and migraines, and individuals needing lymphatic system support.

Describe your massage style?


I like to summarize most of my treatments as therapeutic with a mix of relaxation flow.

I always tell my clients that motion is lotion for the body so in our sessions, alongside the regular therapeutic and relaxation massage flow expect a certain level of active and passive release techniques, myofascial cupping with stretching as well as some stand alone passive and PNF stretching to approach the body in a well rounded, active way. Each treatment is tailored to the individuals needs. 

What is the most rewarding part of your job, and what keeps you motivated to continue practicing massage therapy/wellness?


One of the most rewarding things is to see a client float out after a massage just on cloud 9!

Whether they're feeling a reduction in pain, tension and stress, improved mobility or just the enjoyment of taking time for themselves as an act of self care. I enjoy aiding in empowering my clients to feel at ease with their body, increasing quality of life and allowing them to live life to their fullest.

What is your go-to stretch or favourite treatment?


I love introducing people to pec stretches. Whether they're on the table or as home care we've probably gone over the importance and benefits you can unlock spending a little time stretching out the front part of our upper body. 

If you've seen me for a massage I've probably shown you how to do a door pec stretch or a seated figure 4 glute stretch. Both are get introductory moves to start the process empowering my clients to reconnect and strengthen their relationship with their body. 

What does self-care look like for you?


Everyone's self care looks different and will have a multitude of pieces like a puzzle.

My basics consists of regular sleep, balanced nutrition, plenty of water and healthy movement.

Breathing exercises, grounding exercises, journaling and self compassion have been a few of the most impactful for me outside of the basics mentioned above.

What is your favourite way to move your body?


With life circumstances and a pandemic, moving my body ended up taking a bit of a backseat for awhile. Recently I've began to re-explore what I enjoy doing and it flows with the seasons.

Warmer months bring all the fun outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing, bike rides, golf.

While in the cooler months I'll be more focused on weightlifting, yoga and fun things to just get moving like bowling.

Book with Kate-Lynn

Call to book: 780-761-9343

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